Course curriculum

    1. Intoduction to Soteriology 102

    1. Sealing of the Holy Spirit

    2. Liberty and Success in Spiritual Warfare

    3. Assurance of Salvation

    4. Ultimate Sanctification and Glorification

    5. Rewards for Believers

    6. Reigning with Christ and the Glories of Heaven

    7. Quiz #3

    1. Role of the Law

    2. Grace

    3. Faith

    4. Repentance

    5. The Blood of Christ

    6. Resurrection of Christ

    7. Encouragement

    8. Practical suggestions on presenting the Gospel

    9. An example of presenting the Gospel

    10. Quiz 4

    1. Verses Test on all verses

    2. Verses Test on all verses 2

    1. Discuss any recent experience you have had in leading a soul to Christ.


About this course

  • $199.98
  • 22 lessons
  • 13.5 hours of video content